Thank you for visiting our site. Our goal is to provide our readers with tons of value in respect to creating a friendship that may turn into a relationship and much much more. Please visit our site weekly as we add more content. With much Love Cindy and Kathy

Do you crave meaningful connections, but feel like your social circle is stuck in a rut? Maybe you’ve moved to a new city, yearn for a deeper connection than surface-level chats, or simply want to expand your friend group with people who share your passions. Whatever your reason for seeking connection, you’re not alone. Millions crave the laughter, support, and joy that strong friendships bring.

The good news? Fostering those connections is easier than you think! Join our free group for a welcoming space where you can ditch the awkward “getting to know you” phase. We focus on creating genuine connections through engaging activities, shared interests, and open communication. Whether you’re a bookworm seeking a new literature buddy, a foodie yearning for adventurous restaurant partners, or a gamer itching for friendly competition, there’s a place for you here.

This isn’t just about finding someone to watch movies with (although movie nights are definitely a perk!). It’s about building a support network, expanding your horizons, and discovering the magic that unfolds when you connect with like-minded people. So, ditch the hesitation, take a leap of faith, and join our free community. You might just discover the laughter, connection, and friendships you’ve been searching for.

Lack of Trust in a relationship (coming soon)

Have the right conversation (coming soon)

Do daily things together to build your long term relationship. (coming soon)

Guidelines for Creating Chemistry

Focus on the Positive

Make a list of the person’s positive traits.  Write down positive goals for your relationship.


Create interesting and exciting encounters

Meet at a romantic restaurant.  Go to a place that is new to both of you.  Express and participate in each other’s fantasies.


Visualize the type of life your want and try to fit the person you are dating into that picture.

Imagine traveling to many new places.  See your partner by your side, enjoying adventures and having fun.

Avoid being overly analytical about the person you are with. 

FEEL MORE, Think Less.


Focus on one physical aspect of the person that is attractive. 

If she has pretty hair, look at it, touch it.  If he has attractive eyes, look into them directly.  Enjoy these qualities in your partner.  Do NOT compare him/her with others.


Become more sensual, utilize your five senses.

Chemistry based on sight alone is fragile and limited.  Focus on the perfume, cologne, sound of the voice, feel of the skin, color of eyes and hair.

Focus on what honestly makes you feel happy

Take an inventory of what has made you happy in the past.  Be aware of your emotional needs and focus on how your partner fulfills those needs.

What is love?

According to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of love is a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection.   With that definition in mind, it should be clear that you are not in love in the early stages of a relationship.  No matter how strongly you may feel about someone, if you have met him or her, don’t say that you are in love.  Instead of thinking about love, think more about what to wear on the next date or where you are going to eat.  

What is love, anyway? how do you know when you are in love?  These are the questions all of us are searching.  Knowing when “like” turns into “love” is not an easy process.   Love involves respect and deep caring.  It involved a genuine desire to give to another person.  Love involves commitment, the sticking by someone during difficult times, with a full effort to make things work.  Love involves friendship and elements of romantic plus physical attraction.  At the beginning of a relationship, a strong liking or interest in someone is all you need.